What are Smart Homes?

"What exactly is a smart home?" It's a question we're asked quite a bit at Prime Audio Video. Technology is here, and it's growing. Smart Homes will soon be the new normal. It seems to evolve just a little bit faster than we have time to catch up with it. Here at Prime, we recognize [...]

Sarasota Shade Control

Florida is nation's capital for sunshine, so it should be no surprise that automated shades have become a common item in homes and businesses throughout the Sunshine State. More and more people are realizing that automated shade control technology has become quite advanced and prices have become more affordable to consumers. Automated shade and blind [...]

Whole House Audio – Prime Audio Video Provides Premier Sarasota Audio Systems

Whole house audio is a great way to unwind from a hard day's work or to help set the mood while entertaining guests. Seamlessly transitioning from to room with the same volume and audio quality creates an atmosphere conducive to relaxation and entertainment. Making it possible, however, not as easy as one may think. Sarasota [...]

Technology Breakthroughs

Check out this fascinating article on the 10 most recent technology breakthroughs. Technology is changing our world - get on board!     https://www.technologyreview.com/lists/technologies/2017/    

By |2019-02-19T02:50:15+00:00September 29th, 2018|Automation, Cutting Edge Technology, Design, Most Viewed, smart homes, Technology Solutions, Technology Systems, TED Talks|Comments Off on Technology Breakthroughs

Sarasota Surround Sound

You just moved into your new home and know that you need to get a new TV with a quality sound system. You also want the best viewing experience. As flat screen TV's get thinner and the video resolution gets better, the TV speaker audio is sacrificed. The need for a quality Sarasota surround sound [...]

Intercom Systems

  Intercom systems are not a thing of the past. In our ever changing, fast paced world, they offer a unique way to stay connected to each other. Features can include: Audio and Video connection to front door guests Monitor/check in on your children in other rooms Share music or connect with someone in another [...]

Savant – Controlling Your Home With One App

Controlling your entire house through a single app may seem a little hard to grasp, but Savant has made it possible. You can now control your audio, video, surveillance, climate, lighting, and much more through a single app. Their interface is very user friendly and once installed, making changes to your settings is quite intuitive. [...]

What is Surround Sound?

Surround sound has become a buzzword in the audio world. People know that it is a good thing and can make their home sound great, but what exactly is surround sound? Surround Sound is a system of stereophonic sound involving five or more speakers surrounding the listener to create a more realistic acoustical effect. It [...]

Sarasota Lighting Control

Everyone has the dreaded location/s in their house with numerous switches in one spot. You can never seem to figure out which switch controls which light. How annoying!! The days of controlling your lights with a manual switch are going away. Lighting control systems give you the ability to control your lights with any mobile [...]

Sarasota Structured Cabling & Pre-Wiring

Sarasota Structured Cabling and Pre-Wiring - Low Voltage Contractor Right now, Southwest Florida is in the midst of one of the biggest building booms in history. Thousands upon thousands of new houses are actively under construction in the area and there is no end in sight. From a technology integrator perspective, there is a huge [...]

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